Ministop Vietnam belongs to AEON Group - Japanese Convenience Stores. It opens 24/7.Currently, Ministop stores are quite successful in combining retail and dining models for teenagers or busy people. Ministop is not only famous in Japan but also expanding throughout Asia, including Vietnam.
With a presence in many areas, Ministop has been providing a wide range of services and goods to customers, constantly striving to perfect the structure of goods with products necessary for daily life. become a convenience store that customers choose to use every day.

After a progress of research, evaluation and thorough examination, Ministop finally chose Hector as a companion brand with 02 products:
1. Hector Ginseng Herbs: CordycepsTonic Drink
2. Hector Collagen: Cordyceps Beauty Drink
With this cooperation, Ministop will introduce more prestigious and necessary products to their customers.
As for Hector's cordyceps, this is a step to affirm its name and quality when being trusted by Japanese supermarkets, selected to put on shelves and to help customers easily find and buy their products nationwide.
Customers can search for the MINISTOP store address with the following information:
Store list: